Pronunciation: (dē-ˈīsing).

Function: transitive verb.

Definitions -

1 : Process of unwinding after a Wild hockey game.

2 : Process of leaving a lifetime of cold and snow in Minnesota behind for warmer climates.

3 : My random thoughts on hockey, life and the pursuit of really good tequila. (no politics allowed)

4 : Relief from insomnia.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Vids & Pics To Bring You Cheer

I'm busy channeling Rachael Ray, prepping for Saturday, but still wanted to post some videos and pictures I've been promising for awhile now. 

Something Wild for Bobbi -   

Showing our diversity - Flyer's Fans Welcome:
Jon's a Wild STH, right behind Vicki & me, but he's a Flyer's fan at heart. 

The Plagge family representing the Flyers...Dave will pay for that, later - oh yes - he will ;)

For Vicki  - She'd never ask for it but I know she'll just melt - 

Section 225 Representin'!
Jon and A Gorgeous Young Lady...his daughter :)

Hockey Mom Daggett with Josh & Ryan At A Game.   

Alex Dagget in action with her team!  

 For Rich - Spoon!    

Animaniacs and Bond Movies - It's tradition in my kitchen this time of year: 

Sean or Roger: which is your favorite for THE all time Bond?  Daniel Craig is the future of Bond - YUMMY!

And lastly- for the person who keeps pestering me about this (and you know who you are): 
Herradura, either Reposado or Anejo if you insist.  I believe you'll find it at MGM for a very good price this week.  The Selección Suprema would require an armored guard so don't even go there ;)  


  1. What - no Hamlet or The Great Wakkorotti? Thanks, now I have to go view Pinky and the Brain episodes. Okay, I Love You, Bye-Bye :)

    Bennie & The Jets

  2. Dee Ray, Rachel's sister, right?

    Thanks for posting John Hiatt's "Something Wild," still think a lot of the lyrics fit the game of hockey. He gets a bit wacky during the live performance. Therefore, should the sound booth at the 'X' decide to play it, they'll need a CD recorded version.

    Also like the arrangement of the Hiatt video and the photo below it of Jon- the contemplating fan...see you Saturday evening.

    Cheers. Bobbi

  3. Benji - you have to know I spent a good 20 minutes replaying The Great Wakkorotti episode ;) Nothing like gastrointestinal humor to bring out the 9 year old in me! Let me know when you get to the Bubba Bo Bob Brain episode...Okay, I Love You, Bye-Bye!

  4. Bobbi - you should submit the song for consideration! I didn't realize it until you pointed it out that I had kind of a John/Jon theme going there...wasn't intentional but humorous all the same. I can't believe that I've watched Jon's daughter grow up in the 10 years of Wild hockey. I remember when she couldn't make it past the first period before conking out and needed to be carried up the stairs by her daddy.

    See You Saturday!
